Objectives of Policy

· Assist Employees and external parties to raise concerns, without fear of retaliations on any improper conduct that may be observed within Icon Consulting Group of Companies

· Provide a channel for employees and external parties to bring to the attention of the stakeholders on any misdeeds or improprieties committed by the management or staff of the company

· Provide assurance that whistleblowing reports will be processed through a transparent and confidential procedure as provided under this policy who reports such allegations

What Can be Reported

Some examples of reportable incidents are listed below, which is non exhaustive:

· Corruption;

· Criminal offense;

· Actual or suspected fraud;

· Misappropriation of monies;

· Abuse of power and position;

· Disclosure of confidential information without prior approval;

· Any action which intimidate or coerce a Director or Management or employee of Icon Consulting Group of Companies; or

· Concealment on any of the above or combination of the above.

Confidentiality & Protection

· Whistle-blower who wishes to report any improper conduct within Icon Consulting Group of Companies is required to disclose his/her identity and contact details

· These details will be kept confidential to afford protection to the whistleblower until there is sufficient evidence to support that it is a genuine case

How to Report

The whistle-blower can report by emails to the CEO through the following channels:

Via email: whistleblowing@iconconsultinggroup.com (directed to CEO)

Via mail: Chief Executive Officer (mark “Strictly Confidential”)

60 Anson Road
#17-123 Mapletree Anson
079914 Singapore