Icon Consulting Group Founder and Managing Director with Mr. Lim of Gazelle Capital

Icon is proof small teams can achieve great things. “The plan was never to be the biggest company in our field, but rather be the best at what we do,” stated Harjit Khatkar, Icon Consulting Group’s Founder and Managing Director.

We are proud to announce that Icon Consulting Group has sealed a multi-million-dollar deal with Gazelle Capital who are investing and backing Icon on plans to take the company global, build programs to develop technology talent, and create its own digital recruitment platform. Icon currently has offices in Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia.

This announcement comes due to the continued rapid growth of the business as a result of the hard work by Harjit and his talented team, focused on building a boutique digital enterprise application focused subcontracting recruitment business in APAC. In the 3 years since founding, not only has the business increased its revenue into the tens of millions, it has also continued to increase its multi-million profit year on year.

Mr. Lim is a former CEO and chairman of a global engineering conglomerate that he had himself listed on the SGX stock exchange in his earlier career before retiring from the corporate life and establishing his own private equity family office. 

Whilst Icon has had multiple options for investment in previous years, the connection with Gazelle Capital was eminent as Gazelle’s Mr. Lim recognized that Icon and its founder echoed similar entrepreneurial traits as himself: ambitious, disciplined and self-made.

Icon’s success is also attributed to its talented team who go the extra mile to deliver on client requirements, putting the candidate and client experience first at the center of the company’s values.  These values have led to placement of over 500 enterprise application and digital consultants in APAC along with continued referral business growth. The team is confident that with Gazelles strategic investment and business networks that these numbers will only continue grow given the current demand for talent in the technology space.

With this secured investment, Icon plans to extend the current subcontracting recruitment business with additional service lines to become a more holistic talent solutions business.

We are excited for the next steps in our company’s journey and invite you to join us! For more information or further inquiries, please contact Icon Consulting Group: IconConsultingGroup.com/contact 

Published On: June 1st, 2021 / Categories: Uncategorized / Tags: , , , /

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