The Covid-19 Pandemic has impacted the world and taken all of us by surprise, forcing nearly every industry to shift how they produce business operations. More than ever, work-from-home has become the norm, creating a shift in how we manage a work-life balance. This shift has also impacted businesses with many creating and coming up with new ways to produce security strategies, find resource availability, and continue evolving infrastructure and operations. 

Infrastructure and operations (I&O) are ever-evolving, repositioning itself to install remote I&O teams for companies. Last year, the events forced IT professionals to adapt all processes for the influx of work from home and unforeseeable changes for all IT requirements. Here are six trends that all IT industry leaders should keep an eye on in 2021.

Read on more on Gartner.

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Published On: April 13th, 2021 / Categories: Industry news / Tags: , , , /

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